Colby and Melissa Armstrong welcomed a baby boy into the world early last Friday morning (he was slightly overdue as I believe the due date was said to be the 14th). Alot of this is still really unconfirmed even though I've read several things / received several emails on it ... alot of what I've read says they named him Cruise Samson Armstrong.
Just a few days late, but ...
Yay for them! I'm still all excited ; )
Now we just have to wait until July 1 to see where this kid gets to grow up lol
That's so great!
Yay for them*
I can't believe there's a little Colby running around! That's scary* :)
@Jane - I was thinking the same thing!
its my biggest hope that this lil one growsup to be a lil penguin a girl can hope right? congrats to the new parents
Congrats to Army!
@Jane Hopefully in a city that starts with 'P' and isn't Philly
@LeafsFan87 oooo that would be excellent : )Deffo simplify my life lol.
But in all honesty I've braced myself for anything. I went around the leauge trying to find atleast one thing positive about each team and have (mostly lol)! So now there are only 2 teams that'll make me sob, and neither of them sound like big contenders. I count that as a win lol ; )
Congratulations!!!!! I'm so excited for them.
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