Tangers enjoys pretty heavy music for seemingly such a soft-spoken guy!

- Wherever I May Roam -- Metallica
- Sad But True -- Metallica
- Around the World -- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- For Whom the Bell Tolls -- Metallica
- Welcome Home (Sanitarium) -- Metallica
- Freak On a Leash -- Korn
- Falling Away from Me -- Korn
What I'm hoping to do eventually is find a widget that I can just load the songs of each player on my blog, so check back soon (I remember seeing / using one before, it's just a matter of finding it again!)!!
I compiled these lists by listening to the "Penguins Playlists" on Penguins HD2 radio station.
Finally a playlist I can handle!! I bet we could listen to music together..all night. Yeah, he could call me Mom or something..LMAO.
LOL!! Now Shana, this blog is accepting of EVERYONE!!! You and I are around the same age and I don't even think twice about being attracted to the Pens -- I think the day you stop being attracted to men is the day you die!! This was one of the reasons I started this blog and the new "Where My Ladies At?" posts. IT'S OK TO LOOK / FANTASIZE!!! ; P
Ha Ha, you didn't see my tribute/drool video I made of him yet. You should really see that before you tell me I'm ok...bah ha ha.
Wow... I get a kick out of this, such a soft spoken guy who listens to such hard music!!!! LOL...
Don't know that Tanger and I could share and iPod, I think Talbot and Guerin are more my speed... LOL (I'm a dork, I know)
I love these Playlists!!!! Thanks Stephanie!
Oooh, I love the bad boy side this music implies about Kris.
There is a actually a few more songs now on the website. Some dance songs and stuff.
ha..and Steph if you want to see my video, I posted it in my "blog". (well if blogger ever let's the public setting go through.)
totally lovin the cougars!!! ;-)
i would never had pegged tanger for a hard core guy lol
Oh, Tanger, noooo! Metallica? Hahaha. Too good. <3
I would not be sharing an iPod with Tanger that's for sure! But I would with Max, he seems more my speed.
I think this is proof that we need to spend some time getting to know Kris Letang. If you had published the playlist and ask us to guess whose it was, Kris would not have been in my top five guesses! His list makes me think that there's stuff going on in there that doesn't match that sweet face.
wow, i don't think we could get along aha. I can deal with the RHCP and Metallica, but Korn? really tanger? really?
ok i super duper support this list. this is HOT.
Ok at first Godard had my favorite playlist, but Tanger has definitely beaten him with this one! Metallica is amazing and so is Tanger's playlist! <3
Oh Kris. The only songs I knew were on the website. We still belong together!!!
and what is super duper hot about this is that it's OLD metallica. don't get me wrong, new metallica is sweet, but old metallica is definitely superior. i wonder what else he listens to...? letang is DEFINITELY my second favorite at this point. super fantastic. wow. i'll stop typing now.
I seen this and imediately went on itunes to buy ALL these songs. Now I cant stop listening to them
@msd he's probably still hurting from the Luc situation not to mention it's always the quiet ones you have to look out for *wink wink*
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