I forgot to mention that I got my "Penguins & Paws" calendar at last night's game (it was a delightful surprise because I didn't think they were suppose to start selling them until the December games) and I'm hoping to take some pictures to post here -- GOOD STUFF!! DEFINITELY worth the $20 for charity!!!
I'm going to use today as sort of a "potpourri" of things to try and cover stuff I haven't had a chance to post until now (from email items, pics, etc.) - I'll be covering a little bit of everything, so stay tuned (I'm still working on it -- I had a late night because I was lucky enough to be at last night's game!! I KNOW!!)!!!!!
Steel City on Ice / FanAttic is NOW ...
*Rant Sports (RantSports.com)*
*Again, I'm asking all my TSCSF / SCoI followers*
*to make another / final switch WITH ME ...*
*the blog has moved...
13 years ago
You were at last night's game!?
That must have been an amazing experience.
I would like to see pictures from the pens and paws calender. Do they do one every year? Because this is my first time hearing about it.
Can't wait for more updates!
I was at the game last night too... it was AWESOME!!!!!!! :-) Can't wait to get my Pens and Paws calendar.
okay... i think i might be addicted to this site... I sit here at work, or home and refresh it every 20 minutes... just in case there is something new! LOL... LOVE it! Thanks ladies.
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